Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cancer: The Home-Lover

Cancer: The Home-Lover

The Cancer Dog is a contrary dog who has close links to the sea and the tides. Thus, this canine is likely to jump into water at every given opportunity. The Cancer Dog is something of an "up and down" type of creature with a strong determination to "stay put." Indeed this dog is probably the most patient and tenacious of the entire Zodiac. Superficially a timid and retiring type of canine, content to be left unnoticed, this dog will, in fact, be quite the opposite. Moodier and more sensitive than most, he or she is prone to deep extremes of emotion. Joy, despair, terror, boldness (and more) will shift beneath this dog's rather crusty exterior. It is important that the Cancer Dog feel he or she is needed. Consequently, this dog requires constant patting and reassurance and any owner is likely to be saying, "Good boy" or "Good girl" until the throat is sore. Physcially, the Cancer Dog is bony...any bulk will invariably be around the shoulder area. The legs will be long in comparison to the body and this canine's movement will have a vague, sideways motion. The Cancer Dog is prone to psychosomatic problems whenever life becomes too overwhelming and any misunderstanding is liable to cause a total breakdown...emotional in reason and physical in appearance. Nonetheless, this dog falls under the jurisdiction of an excellent sign for breeding purposes...the dam will accept her responsibilities and not expect an owner to take over after a couple of days. However, there will certainly be trouble when it is time to remove the puppies, since this canine mother will put up a fight to keep them with her at least one more night...and then another...and yet another. The Cancer Dog can settle almost anywhere. Taken to a new home, he or she will immediately view it as the place in which life will be lived out. Possessing a true nesting instinct, this canine will establish his or her corner and then set about filling it with treasures which will be enjoyed and protected. If those treasures happen to belong to another then that is unfortunate, for the Cancer Dog will literally hang on to anything that he or she feels is a personal belonging. In the eyes of this canine, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

About once a month, the pull of the Moon will fill the Cancer Dog with a feeling of restlessness, urging him or her to spend the night in the garden, where he or she will howl until daybreak. However, that having been said, the Cancer Dog basically makes for a delightful and lovely pet, being loyal and faithful no matter how he or she might be treated by an owner. No separation, regardless of length, will make this canine forget the person with whom he or she has bonded. Like all born teachers, the Cancer Dog knows it is first necessary to learn and basic training will be a pleasure to this canine. The Cancer Dog usually possesses the capability to go further into specialized or obedience training, but once this canine is old enough to make his or her own decisions, then stock will be taken of what has been taught and there will be a prompt rejection of anything that does not appeal.

Individuals born under the signs of Pisces and Scorpio usually make the best owners for the Cancer Dog. Pisces is receptive and impressionable, thus well-suited to put up with the whims and fluctuating moods of this canine. However, since the Cancer Dog is basically loving and giving, this dog will go out of his or her way to understand any human...with one exception. The Cancer Dog should never belong to a Sagittarius owner. This particular combination of fire and water can never happily mix. Particularly good with children, the Cancer Dog often believes himself or herself to be one of them and fully expects to be treated as such.

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