Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Virgo: The Helper

Virgo: The Helper

The Virgo Dog is a genuine domestic creature, more resigned than any other Sign of the Zodiac to play the role of pet. In fact, he or she will feel totally comfortable in this position and accept it without a single murmur. This canine will be in his or her element as a friend and companion living with humans, and will strive to be the perfect pet. The Virgo Dog considers being told what to do as a also saves him or her the trouble of having to think up something. There will be no unpleasant surprises for an owner who returns home to the Virgo Dog since this canine is the cleanest and most hygenic of the Zodiac. Physically, the Virgo Dog is strong and muscular but requires a lot of exercise when in good health. Unfortunately, this canine is also the hypochondriac of the dog world...a single flea, for example, and he or she will be convinced the pesky parasites are covering the entire body from head to toe...or a simple stomach upset, and the Virgo Dog will be certain that he or she has salmonella poisoning. The Virgo puppy will be easy to handle in the beginning, but as he or she gets older, trouble is bound to start. This canine is determined that his or her life be filled with beauty and nothing but the best will suffice...the most comfortable chair, the most delicious of food, the most luxurious of surroundings. The Virgo Dog will never be found sleeping on a hard floor and is sensitive to discomfort in much the same way as the fairytale Princess was to the irritating pea. The Virgo Dog tends to spend a great deal of time in the garden, communing with nature as he or she weeds, digs and generally makes a mess.

The Virgo Dog is never happier than when he or she is doing something for the owner. This canine will take over some of the many chores which pile up during the day...bringing in the laundry, counting the socks, clearing the table, for example. However, this truly helpful dog does not always get it right. As a creature of routine and habit, this canine will expect to be fed and walked at the same time every day. Generally, sheep dogs and working dogs governed by Virgo thrive very nicely, working from dusk until dawn and content in the productive nature of his or her employment. Since Virgo traditionally rules small animals, however, even toy dogs such as chihuahuas tend to flourish under this sign. All Virgo Dogs are loyal and expect the same

steadfastness from any owner. It should be noted, however, that this dog does not take kindly to small children. Being trodden on and grabbed does not suit the Virgo Dog one bit. Neverthless, he or she will be receptive to cats...a creature this canine appears to adore regardless of shape or color. Indeed, the owner of a Virgo Dog would be well-advised to bring a feline into the home.
Natives of Taurus and Capricorn tend to make the best owners for the Virgo Dog, sharing some of the earthy elements and even the penchant for cats. Basically, however, owners born under any Zodiac Sign will enjoy the company of this canine...with the possible exception of Scorpio subjects who tend to perceive the Virgo Dog as a tedious flatterer.

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