Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pisces: The Interpreter

Pisces: The Interpreter
The Pisces Dog is yet another split-personality canine, pulled in two directions at the same time. When this is coupled with a slight lack of intelligence and deep senstitivity, then the end result is a very complicated dog. An unpredictable soul whose mind changes from one minute to the next, the life of the Pisces Dog will an endless ebb and flow of moods, changeability and contrariness as inner feelings pull him or her in every direction. This canine will hardly ever know if he or she is coming or going...or even been there already. Deep inside, well beyond control, the Pisces Dog will be a good dog who truly desires to please. This will, at times, be quite obvious and lead to enjoyable experiences. However, in between, when this canine is annoying and inconsistent, things will not be so easy. Physically, there are no particular attributes or peculiarites associated with the Pisces Dog. He or she will be active and playful...on occasion...and unfortunately prone to leg and foot ailments since the ankles and paws tend to be weak. Any sign of limping by this canine should be investigated immediately. Mongrels tend to fare best under the Sign of Pisces, for this is the Sign said to contain qualities from all the other eleven. To be a Pisces Dog is to be a confused creature. It is not unusual to see him or her pacing between the fire, the basket and the bowl.

Basically a water dog, this canine will be desperately unhappy without this element. Probably the favorite outing of the Pisces Dog would be a walk by the sea shore...especially if a meal of fish is on the agenda. However, if an owner does not live by the sea or have a pond in the garden, then it will be necessary to fill the tub. Ideally, the Pisces Dog would like to live on a floating home...anything from an ocean liner to a narrow boat. Marooned on dry land in an ordinary house, he or she will make the most of anything wet that can be found. Country walks have a tendency to turn into swimming galas as this dog rolls in every puddle and will run for miles to find a stream. The Pisces Dog becomes extremely excited at the sight of rain and when an owner takes a bath or shower, it is not unusual for the Pisces Dog to join in the ablutions. He or she will also come running with every flush of the toilet. Generally, the life of a Pisces Dog will be spent by putting his or her paw into it, while the other half will be concerned with trying to mend the situation. Forceful and pushy one minute, this dog is gentle, retiring and loving the next.

As owners, natives of Cancer and Scorpio stand the best chance of seeing the good side of the Pisces Dog rather than the bad. Cancer's sense of humor will be an immense help to the relationship, while Scorpio will be so besotted with the Pisces Dog that he or she will simply fail to see the contrary patches and life will be the proverbial "bed of roses."

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